Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back to School

Summer is over and school is back in full swing. I can't believe that Tommy is actually in high school! Both of them are going to new schools this year, so it is a new adventure. Tyler is also playing trumpet in the band. Here are some pictures of them waiting for the bus on the first day of school.
Tommy on the back of his future truck
Tommy and Emily
The bus is coming!
Tyler comes out to wait for his bus
Tyler looks apprehensive!
Waiting patiently at the end of the driveway

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Last 39th Birthday Celebration

Today was the last official celebration of my birthday that I will have in my 30's. We went to Elgin to celebrate at Daddy's. Enjoy some of the pictures from the day.
An attempt to get a Christmas card picture for Daddy.
An attempt to get a picture of me with the boys.

The picture after threatening Tommy if he doesn't quit messing up my hair.
Classic Stephen face
Random picture of Tyler sleeping with Casey that was on the camera

Friday, August 3, 2007

Saxe Gotha End of Summer

Tonight was the end of summer program for parents for Saxe Gotha where Tyler goes to daycare. It was really bittersweet for us because this is Tyler's last summer there. We have really loved our kids going there, but Tyler will be going to a new school in a few weeks, and they will not be able to pick him up. The Son Force Special Agents really did a great job with the program for us.

Tyler with Ms. Joy

Tommy and Tyler with Ms. Ginny

Tyler with his first love from last summer, Megan