Thursday, July 26, 2007

Whirlwind day

Today was quite a whirlwind of activities and emotions. We were late getting to bed last night, and Casey was not content to stay shut up in the hallway, so I ended up putting her in bed with me. I was worried that she was going to scratch up the door of Mimi's house.

We got up pretty early (6:30) and got ready for the funeral. The funeral didn't start until 11, but we were going over to Aunt Beth's house in case she needed some help and support getting ready. When we got to Aunt Beth's, she was out with a friend taking a walk. I can't imagine the pain that she must be feeling. We picked up Uncle Gerald at 9:30 and headed over to the church. We sat in the library until time to go in with all of the family.

The funeral was very moving. Wes (Quentin's younger brother) spoke first. God must have given him the strength and the words because I can't imagine being able to do that in the pain that he was enduring. I know that Quent would be so proud of him. I didn't know Quent well, but after the service, I wish that I had known him better. He really did live a meaningful life. He was very active in his church, was devoted to his family, and from the turnout at the funeral, must have been well liked at his job.

After the funeral, we ate at the church and went back over to Aunt Beth's for a while. Thankfully, she was resting and several of the sisters visited in the kitchen. I hitched a ride back to Mimi's with Aunt Iva Jane because I had to get back to Lexington to register Tyler for school. We got back to Manning at about 3:20, and I changed and loaded up and hit the road by 3:45. Registration was from 4 to 6, so I didn't have much time to spare. I got home and dumped the dogs out and gave them some water and made it to the school at 5:30. I was relieved to get there in time so that I could get everything taken care of without having to take more time off of work later.

Tomorrow I will be heading up to Asbury Hills to get the boys. Freida will not be able to get off of work in time, so I will pick up Corey as well. I am looking forward to seeing the boys. I hope that they took some pictures because there haven't been very many of them on the website this year. Jamie will be getting home late tomorrow night as well, so it will be back to our hectic household on Saturday. I must say that life has not been very restful this week after all. One thing that has been reinforced in me this week - we need to treasure our time together with the people that matter to us.

Tyler in line for ice cream

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