Thursday, June 14, 2007

The End of a Wild Ride

Well, tonight was the last night at Avalanche Ranch, and it has been quite a wild ride for the PM offsite crews. We went to two retirement homes tonight. My crew visited Oak Leaf and sang some of our VBS songs for the residents. David and Lance took turns speaking to them about our amazing VBS experience and about Jesus. After the kids sang, they visited with the residents. I think that it was meaningful for the kids and the residents. I hope my crew will return this Sunday to the celebration - if you guys are reading this, I hope to see you then!

Cana leading the kids singing VBS songs

David speaking to the residents

The residents enjoying the music
Visiting with the residents
My boys introducing themselves
Katie and Emily
Melvin, our fearless driver

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Swimming in the Rain

Day 4 of VBS was Commitment night. The kids started out by swimming in the rain at the pool in Summer Lake subdivision. They had a blast. They then chowed down on hot dogs and smores. As you can see from the photos, the marshmallows were particularly enjoyed by all. After everyone dried off a little, we went into the clubhouse for some music from Lance and a talk from David about risk taking for Jesus. The kids really enjoyed both of them, and it is my prayer that many of them will take that step of faith and become closer to Jesus.

Giddyup, Tyler!

Samantha the Baptist?

Chicken fights in the pool . . .

and more chicken fights in the pool
Now that looks a little dangerous!
Our casualty for the night - a busted lip
Crewmates Daniel and London
Fellow crew leader Lloyd with grandson Colton
Drying out from the pool
Toni and Heather
Glenda and Me
Marshamallows - YUM!

David really likes his marshmallow!
No one would claim the underwear!
The kids enjoying the music

We love our VBS songs!
Pastor Jeff
Does Connor trust Jonathan to catch him?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Garden at Pleasant Hill Elementary School

We narrowly escaped the rain tonight, but we were able to get the garden started at Pleasant Hill Elementary School that we were supposed to do last night. The kids helped spread mulch, plant bushes, plant bulbs, and the garden is starting to take shape. The AM crews will help finish the job tomorrow. The kids had a little bit of time at the end to play on the playground. It actually turned out to be a nice evening for us because the clouds and the breeze helped cool things off a great deal. Thank God for small favors!!!

My guys enjoying the music before we departed

Shannon - my crewmate from last year

The kids working hard in the garden

Ryan raring to dig a hole!

Samantha plants a daffodil

Bring on the rain!
The garden taking shape
Mom a little worried about the rain cloud
The ominus rain cloud
Some fun after our work

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rained out on Day 2 of VBS

We made the best out of a bad situation on day 2 of PM Offsite VBS. We were supposed to plant a garden at Pleasant Hill Elementary, but a bad storm was approaching as we loaded the buses, so we made a last minute decision to go skating instead. The kids were crushed!!!! Hopefully, we will be able to plant the garden tomorrow night instead of bowling. We had a big time at the skating rink, though! I have a really great crew!

David and Lance lacing up!

All lined up for prizes

Tyler bustin' a move

Sally and Jonathan

Thumbs up!

We finally convinced Melvin to strap up!

Dutch - up close and personal!

Tyler and Katie
Crewmates Amanda and Cana
Crewmates Tre and London
Crewmates Bradley and Colton

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Tonight was the first night of Vacation Bible School. I am working with the PM off site, and tonight we went to LICS to help with clean up and sorting clothes. I have a crew of 8 so far, and we will likely grow as the week goes on.

Now that is getting in the spirit!

Everyone getting into the music

PM crews getting the motions to the songs

The chain gang at LICS

Unloading the Van and handing off to the "chain gang"

Tyler taking the hand off . . .

We aren't supposed to model the clothes!!