Friday, June 8, 2007

Back to Real Life

We are home from tour. Wednesday was a travel day. We left the hotel at about 7:15 and went out for breakfast since the guys didn't stay at a hotel. We had movies, bathroom breaks, Burger King for lunch, and then we got home at about 7:30 p.m. When we stopped for lunch, I ran in CVS to get a frame for the picture that we made for Mr. Levi. Jamie picked it up from Walgreen's at lunch on Wednesday. At Burger King, I got all of the kids to sign the mat for the frame. Unfortunately, I accidentally stepped on the frame on the bus and broke the glass. I called Jamie and told him to bring another frame from home. When we got into the parking lot at church, I ran off of the bus and put the picture together. When I brought it back on, Robin presented the picture to him along with a collection that we took up for him. When he saw the picture, he got tears in his eyes. He thanked the kids and closed the tour with a prayer for us. We are so blessed that he was able to drive for us again this year!

Thursday was quite a packed day for me. Tommy woke me up in the middle of the night with an earache. I took him to the doctor and he had an ear infection. After I got his medicine, dropped Tyler off at daycare, and dropped Tommy off at Robin's for lunch she hosted for Priority, I went into work for 1/2 day. After work, I picked Tyler up, picked up a quick supper for us, and went to get our hair cut. After we left daycare, Tyler informed me that he wanted a buzz cut. I was in shock. He has barely allowed his hair to be trimmed lately and it was down to his shoulders. Sure enough, he insisted, and it is now about 1 inch long.

After haircuts, we were off to church for the homecoming concert. Everyone was so shocked to see Tyler's hair, but they all thought that it looked good. I barely got the camera set up before it was time for the concert to start. They did a great job. The kids gave some moving testimonies and the video from tour was really good. It is always bittersweet when it is over, but the memories will last a lifetime!

I was slow to get up the past two days, but feel surprisingly good. I really need to rest up since Bible school is starting Sunday night and I will be doing that until Thursday night. I am looking forward to it, though. It is hard to believe that next week is already the middle of June!

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