Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Swimming in the Rain

Day 4 of VBS was Commitment night. The kids started out by swimming in the rain at the pool in Summer Lake subdivision. They had a blast. They then chowed down on hot dogs and smores. As you can see from the photos, the marshmallows were particularly enjoyed by all. After everyone dried off a little, we went into the clubhouse for some music from Lance and a talk from David about risk taking for Jesus. The kids really enjoyed both of them, and it is my prayer that many of them will take that step of faith and become closer to Jesus.

Giddyup, Tyler!

Samantha the Baptist?

Chicken fights in the pool . . .

and more chicken fights in the pool
Now that looks a little dangerous!
Our casualty for the night - a busted lip
Crewmates Daniel and London
Fellow crew leader Lloyd with grandson Colton
Drying out from the pool
Toni and Heather
Glenda and Me
Marshamallows - YUM!

David really likes his marshmallow!
No one would claim the underwear!
The kids enjoying the music

We love our VBS songs!
Pastor Jeff
Does Connor trust Jonathan to catch him?

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